2-course Treatment, preventive 2023-2024
2-course CTP International faculty 2023-2024 123
Base of the chair is in third Training Corps of Tashkent Medical Academy. The department has also actively used in the educational process and modern technology presentation equipment . Most lectures and seminars prepared electronically . Carried out a planned gradual upgrade teaching and laboratory equipment. In recent years have repeatedly been modernized existing equipment to meet the growing challenges. Implemented all the planned transfer of demonstration material with tables , overhead projectors for multimedia presentations . Equipment available at the department can take educational films for subsequent demonstrations during class.
Particular attention is paid to the teaching of daily control of students’ knowledge , conducting theoretical seminars , after a preliminary analysis of patients on this topic with a practical skills.
On 1 course classes are held on the subject ” Bioorganic Chemistry”, 2 year – on ” Biological chemistry”.