was founded in 1920y
On April 13, 1919y it was decided to open medical faculty of the Turkestan State University.
Andrey Vasilievich Blagoveshchensky was appointed as the first head (1920-1924) of the Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry of the Medical Faculty of the Turkestan State University. In his research on the direction of the evolutionary process, he studied the evolution of living organisms from the point of view of biochemistry and thermodynamics.
In 1927-1932, the department was headed by Rudolf Genrikhovich Engeland, who graduated from the University of Berlin. He studied extractive substances of muscles, elastin hydrolysis products, author of more than 30 scientific papers devoted to methods for determining the functional asymmetry of the eyes.
In 1932-1934, the department was headed by Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Jabbar Sattar (1905-1937). In 1930 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Berlin. In 1930 he was awarded the degree of candidate of chemical sciences. He translated textbooks on chemistry from German into Uzbek, and is also the author of German-Russian and German-Uzbek terms and dictionaries. In 1935-1937 he headed the Department of nonorganic Chemistry.
In 1934-1937 the department was headed by Anna Nikolaevna Adova (1880-1950). In 1919 y she graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University. He was the author of 106 scientific papers on the biochemistry of proteins, enzymes, hormones, extractives and chemotherapy.
In 1937-1957, the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences (1949), Professor (1950), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan Alexander Semenovich Volynsky (1998-1979). In 1923 he graduated from the medical faculty of the Don State University (Rostov-on-Don). In 1967-1971, he headed the Department of Biochemistry, he is the author of more than 100 scientific papers devoted to clinical and biochemical studies in various diseases, problems of blood and organ preservation. Under the guidance of Professor A.S. Volynsky, the department conducted research on the differentiation of blood serum proteins with alkaline earth metal salts, purification of immune sera and antibodies, and developed a method for the electrophoretic isolation of gamma globulins. He developed methods that are important for practical medicine, blood preservation with citrate-magnesium, saline analgesia, methods for standardizing individual blood proteins. 15 recommendations dedicated to the new isotope method have been published, new tests have been developed for the denaturation of blood proteins during life. Author of 2 copyright certificates (thermoelectrophoresis design and FSH isolation). Awarded with various medals.
In 1967-1991, the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan Kamal Khadzhievich Khadzhiev (1924-1991). He graduated from the Tashkent Medical Institute in 1949. In 1953 he defended his Ph.D., in 1963 – his doctoral dissertation. Author of more than 250 scientific papers on the clinical biochemistry of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. He made a great contribution to the organization of educational, methodological, research work at the department. Under his leadership, 6 doctoral and 40 master’s theses were prepared. In 1992, one of the streets of the city of Tashkent was named after him.
In 1971, the Departments of Inorganic, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry and Organic Chemistry were merged and named the Department of Medical Chemistry and headed by Professor Anatoly Ivanovich Nikolaev. In 1972, the Department of Medical Chemistry was again divided into 2 independent departments: inorganic chemistry and organic, physical and colloidal chemistry.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Marfuakhon Kudratullahanovna Alyaviya (1921) 1966-1975 headed the department. In 1943 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Central Asian Industrial Institute. The main scientific direction is the synthesis of new complex compounds of vital trace elements with biologically active substances and the study of their physicochemical and biomedical properties. Author of more than 100 scientific papers. In 1964, M.K. Alyaviya translated the book “Qualitative chemical semi-microanalysis” into Uzbek. Under her supervision, 2 Ph.D. theses were defended.
The Department of Inorganic Chemistry was headed by Associate Professor M.K. Alyaviya, organic and physical-colloid chemistry was headed by associate professor A.G. Makhsumov from 1972 to 1975, then until 1990.
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Abdukhamid Gafurovich Makhsumov (1936) has headed the department since 1972. In 1959 he graduated from the chemical-technological faculty of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. In 1964 he defended his candidate’s and in 1984 his doctoral dissertation. Author of more than 800 scientific papers, including the author of 267 inventions and patents, they are devoted to the synthesis of drugs based on propargyl esters, which have antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects. Prepared 5 Doctors of Science and 33 Candidates of Science.
Stalina Salikhovna Kasymova (1936) In 1959 she graduated from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Central Asian Polytechnic Institute. In 1964 at the Institute of Silicate Chemistry in Leningrad she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 1975 at the Leningrad State Institute of Optics named after S.I. Vavilov she defended her doctoral dissertation.
The main scientific direction of prof. S.S. Kasymova – study of the physicochemical properties of various glassy systems, nanotechnology. S.S. Kasymova is the author of 16 monographs and textbooks, 12 patents, 460 scientific papers. She prepared 2 doctors of sciences, 15 candidates of sciences. From 1975 to 1992 she headed the Department of Inorganic and Physical Colloid Chemistry. From 1992 to 2013 she worked as a professor at the Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry. Awarded with the Order “Dustlik”.
As part of the First Tashkent State Medical Institute, the Department of Biochemistry was restored in 1999 as an independent department and was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Abdugofir Akhatovich Khadzhimetov (1948). He graduated from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute in 1970. In 1982 he defended his candidate’s and in 1992 his doctoral dissertation.
1999-2005 headed the Department of Biochemistry of the First Tashkent State Medical Institute, from 2005-2015 the Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry of TMA. He is the author of more than 250 scientific papers devoted to the study of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of various diseases. Under his leadership, 5 doctors of science and more than 15 candidates of science, 4 masters were trained. Published 2 monographs, 1 textbook, more than 20 teaching aids, 7 patents, 1 invention. He is a member of various expert councils.
As part of the Second Tashkent State Medical Institute, the Department of Biochemistry from 1988 to 2002 was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Abid Abrorovich Abrarov. His main scientific direction is devoted to the study of the metabolism of lipids and lipovitamins in normal conditions and in various pathological conditions. He prepared 2 doctors and 7 candidates of sciences.
From 2002 to 2012, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor R.A. Sabirova. The scientific direction of R.A. Sabirova is devoted to the study of structural and functional changes, the state of the oxidant and antioxidant systems in various pathological conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis.
She prepared 1 doctor of sciences and 8 candidates of sciences, 7 masters. Published 2 monographs, 8 textbooks, more than 250 scientific articles, 20 educational and teaching aids, 7 patents. Sabirova R.A. from 1997 to 2002, being the scientific secretary of the TMA, she carried out a large coordinating scientific, organizational and social work. For 6 years she was the chairman of the expert commission of the Higher Attestation Commission on biomedical disciplines, currently she is a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission on therapeutic disciplines. Member of the editorial board of “Vestnik TMA”, “Uzbek medical journal”.
In 2010-2013, the department was merged with the Department of Biophysics and Informatics and the department was named the Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Informatics.
From 2012 to 2021, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor M.U.Kulmanova. She graduated from the Second Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1978. 2005-2007 she studied at the master’s degree in the specialty “Clean-Laboratory Diagnostics”. In 2010 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, and in 2015 – a doctoral dissertation. Author of more than 50 scientific papers, 5 teaching aids, 1 study guide, 1 monograph. Prepared 3 candidates of sciences and supervised 5 master’s theses.
From 2021 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (PhD) Tursunov Djakhangir Khusanovich. In 2011 he graduated from the Tashkent Medical Academy with a degree in medical prevention. In 2012-2013 he studied at the magistracy in the specialty “Medical Biochemistry”. In 2019 he defended his thesis on the topic “Molecular – cellular mechanism of action of ecdisten on the development of experimental diabetes mellitus”. He is the author of 1 monograph and more than 50 scientific papers, supervised 5 master’s theses. He is a member of the editorial board of the abstract journal “Jahon tibbiyoti oynasi”.
At present, 26 employees work in department. Of these, professors: R.A.Sabirova, F.H.Inoyatova, S.M.Masharipov, associate professors: N.H. Mukhamedova, H.S.Tajieva, M.P. Alimukhamedova, A.T.Ergashov, D.M.Azizova, Senior lecturers: H.S.Yusupkhodjayeva Z.I.Galieva, O.H.Muydinov, M.S.Khayitov, A.A.Omonov, M.A.Kurbanova, M.T.Abdullayeva Y..T.Yunuskhoja, assistants: N.M.Karimova, G.N.Turaeva, I.M Tajiboeva, L.UAlimbekova, A.H.Aslanova, M.A.Shаtursunova, N.U.Islamova, G.O.Babayeva, N.A.Vakhobova, M.H.Oydinov.