
Биологическая химия. Под ред. А.Е. Губаревой – 2016   

Sobirova R.A biokimyo

Биологическая химия под ред.С.Е. Северина

List of suggested literature

main literature

1. Biologik chemistry. Nikolaev AY T. Ibn sino1991
2. Biologik kimyo. Sobirova R.A. T.: Yangi asr avlodi, 2006
3. Biological Chemistry. Beryozov TT AM: Medicine 1990
4. Biohimiyadan Amal mashғulotlar. Sultonov GT: Ibn Sina 1995
5. Biokimyodan amaliy mashg’ulotlar. Sultonov R va boshq. T.: Yangi asr avlodi 2006
6. Guide to practical training in biological chemistry. Aleinikova TL Et al. M.: Higher School in 1988.



1. Biochemistry (1,2,3 volume). Lehninger A.1988
2. Biochemistry E.S.Severin 2009
3. Biological Chemistry. Beryozov TT AM: Medicine 2004
4. Biologik kimyo. Labaratoriya amaliyoti. Obidov O.O.va boshq. T.: Exstremum pres, 2010
5. Tkachuk VA Clinical Biochemistry, 2004. GEOTAR Media.
6. Biochemistry. Kent E. Vrana. Philadelphia, 1998

7.Biochemistry and disease. Robert M. Cohn, Karl S. Roth. Williams & Wilking, 1998

8. WJ Marshall Clinical Chemistry, 2002.
9. Severin ES Nikolaev AY Biochemistry. Short course with exercises and tasks, 2005.
10. Biochemistry person. Tom1,2. L. Murray et al. 1993
11. Biological Chemistry, A.Ya.Nikolaev 2004
12. Clinical Biochemistry Made Ridiculously Simple
13. Color_Atlas_of_Biochemistry_ (Thieme, 2006) (ISBN_1588902471) (476s)

14. Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology – 23rd Ed
15. Biological Chemistry Stroyev EA, 1986
16. Clinical Chemistry (Tsyganenko et al., 2002)
17. Murray Granner Mayes Rodwell – Harper’s illustrated biochemi, 1998
18. Lippincott Illustarted Review Biochemistry Ed 3
19. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 5th Fifth Edition 2008
20. Bhagavan Medical Biochemistry 2001

21. Biochemistry higher secondary, textbook

22. Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology practice book

23Medical biochemistry

24 Lehinger principles of biochemistry

25 Biochemistry and medical genetics

26 USMLE step 1/2

27 Basic conspects in biochemistry a student survival guide biochemistry

from phenominal point of view biochemistry